Inference taking forever, any suggestions?

Thanks to the update of typdeDB, I can use utf-8 as the variable name. Below is a complicated schema and related inserted data. When doing inference, it taks forever. After waiting for 15 mins, the studio is still runnnig and I can’t get the final answer. When checking the usage of CPU, it’s around 20%. Some unusual part of the below case is that, it used a lot of rules to define the dynamic relationships. I’m not sure whether or not it’s the reason of the slow inference.

My question is:

  1. For your experience, how long could it take to do inference for complicated case? A hour?
  2. What should I do to accelerate the process? Changing the schema structure?



ID sub attribute, value string;

x sub attribute, value long, owns ID;
y sub attribute, value long, owns ID;
z sub attribute, value long, owns ID;

人名 sub attribute, value string, owns ID;
性别 sub attribute, value string, owns ID, regex "^(男|女)$";
命主 sub entity, owns ID, owns 人名, owns 性别;

五行 sub attribute, value string, owns ID, regex "^(木|火|土|金|水)$";
阴阳 sub attribute, value string, owns ID, regex "^(阴|阳)$";
生旺 sub attribute, value string, owns ID, regex "^(沐|冠|禄|旺|衰|病|死|墓|绝|胎|养|长)$";

干 sub attribute, value string, owns ID, regex "^(甲|乙|丙|丁|戊|己|庚|辛|壬|癸)$", owns 五行, owns 阴阳;

支 sub attribute, value string, owns ID, regex "^(子|丑|寅|卯|辰|巳|午|未|申|酉|戌|亥)$", owns 五行, owns 阴阳;

气 sub attribute, value string, owns ID, regex "^(本|中|余)$";

藏干 sub attribute, value string, owns ID, regex "^(甲|乙|丙|丁|戊|己|庚|辛|壬|癸)$", owns 五行, owns 阴阳, owns 气;

十神 sub attribute, value string, owns ID, regex "^(劫|比|伤|食|财|才|官|杀|印|枭)$";

藏干十神 sub attribute, value string, owns ID, regex "^(劫|比|伤|食|财|才|官|杀|印|枭)$", owns 气;

柱位 sub entity, owns ID, owns x, owns y, owns z;

天干 sub 柱位, owns 干, owns 十神,
    plays 两两相邻:相邻,
    plays 三连相邻:相邻;

地支 sub 柱位, owns 支, owns 生旺, owns 藏干, owns 藏干十神,
    plays 两两相邻:相邻,
    plays 三连相邻:相邻;

年干 sub 天干;
月干 sub 天干;
日主 sub 天干;
时干 sub 天干;
年支 sub 地支;
月令 sub 地支;
日支 sub 地支;
时支 sub 地支;

### 位置关系
两两相邻 sub relation, owns ID, relates 相邻;
三连相邻 sub relation, owns ID, relates 相邻;

天干五合 sub 两两相邻,
    relates 甲己五合土,
    relates 乙庚五合金,
    relates 丙辛五合水,
    relates 丁壬五合木,
    relates 戊癸五合火;

天干四冲 sub 两两相邻,
    relates 甲庚四冲,
    relates 乙辛四冲,
    relates 壬丙四冲,
    relates 癸丁四冲;

地支半三合 sub 两两相邻,
    relates 申子半三合水,
    relates 子辰半三合水,
    relates 亥卯半三合木,
    relates 卯未半三合木,
    relates 寅午半三合火,
    relates 午戌半三合火,
    relates 巳酉半三合金,
    relates 酉丑半三合金;

地支六合 sub 两两相邻,
    relates 巳申六合水,
    relates 寅亥六合木,
    relates 卯戌六合火,
    relates 午未六合土,
    relates 午未六合火,
    relates 子丑六合土,
    relates 辰酉六合金;

地支拱合 sub 两两相邻,
    relates 申辰拱合水,
    relates 亥未拱合木,
    relates 寅戌拱合火,
    relates 巳丑拱合金;

地支自刑 sub 两两相邻,
    relates 午午自刑,
    relates 酉酉自刑,
    relates 辰辰自刑,
    relates 亥亥自刑;

地支六冲 sub 两两相邻,
    relates 寅申六冲,
    relates 巳亥六冲,
    relates 辰戌六冲,
    relates 子午六冲,
    relates 丑未六冲,
    relates 卯酉六冲;

地支六害 sub 两两相邻,
    relates 寅巳六害,
    relates 申亥六害,
    relates 酉戌六害,
    relates 子未六害,
    relates 丑午六害,
    relates 卯辰六害;

地支六破 sub 两两相邻,
    relates 子酉六破,
    relates 寅亥六破,
    relates 卯午六破,
    relates 辰丑六破,
    relates 巳申六破,
    relates 未戌六破;

地支三刑 sub 三连相邻,
    relates 子卯三刑,
    relates 丑未戌三刑,
    relates 寅巳申三刑;

地支三会 sub 三连相邻,
    relates 亥子丑三会水,
    relates 寅卯辰三会木,
    relates 巳午未三会火,
    relates 申酉戌三会金,
    relates 寅午戌三合火,
    relates 申子辰三合水,
    relates 亥卯未三合木,
    relates 巳酉丑三合金;

甲己五合土 sub 天干五合;
乙庚五合金 sub 天干五合;
丙辛五合水 sub 天干五合;
丁壬五合木 sub 天干五合;
戊癸五合火 sub 天干五合;

甲庚四冲 sub 天干四冲;
乙辛四冲 sub 天干四冲;
壬丙四冲 sub 天干四冲;
癸丁四冲 sub 天干四冲;

申子半三合水 sub 地支半三合;
子辰半三合水 sub 地支半三合;
亥卯半三合木 sub 地支半三合;
卯未半三合木 sub 地支半三合;
寅午半三合火 sub 地支半三合;
午戌半三合火 sub 地支半三合;
巳酉半三合金 sub 地支半三合;
酉丑半三合金 sub 地支半三合;

巳申六合水 sub 地支六合;
寅亥六合木 sub 地支六合;
卯戌六合火 sub 地支六合;
午未六合土 sub 地支六合;
午未六合火 sub 地支六合;
子丑六合土 sub 地支六合;
辰酉六合金 sub 地支六合;

申辰拱合水 sub 地支拱合;
亥未拱合木 sub 地支拱合;
寅戌拱合火 sub 地支拱合;
巳丑拱合金 sub 地支拱合;

午午自刑 sub 地支自刑;
酉酉自刑 sub 地支自刑;
辰辰自刑 sub 地支自刑;
亥亥自刑 sub 地支自刑;

寅申六冲 sub 地支六冲;
巳亥六冲 sub 地支六冲;
辰戌六冲 sub 地支六冲;
子午六冲 sub 地支六冲;
丑未六冲 sub 地支六冲;
卯酉六冲 sub 地支六冲;

寅巳六害 sub 地支六害;
申亥六害 sub 地支六害;
酉戌六害 sub 地支六害;
子未六害 sub 地支六害;
丑午六害 sub 地支六害;
卯辰六害 sub 地支六害;

子酉六破 sub 地支六破;
寅亥六破 sub 地支六破;
卯午六破 sub 地支六破;
辰丑六破 sub 地支六破;
巳申六破 sub 地支六破;
未戌六破 sub 地支六破;

子卯三刑   sub 地支三刑;
丑未戌三刑 sub 地支三刑;
寅巳申三刑 sub 地支三刑;

亥子丑三会水 sub 地支三会;
寅卯辰三会木 sub 地支三会;
巳午未三会火 sub 地支三会;
申酉戌三会金 sub 地支三会;
寅午戌三合火 sub 地支三会;
申子辰三合水 sub 地支三会;
亥卯未三合木 sub 地支三会;
巳酉丑三合金 sub 地支三会;

### 两两相邻
rule 是天干两两相邻01: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has x $x1;
    $z2 isa 天干, has x $x2;
    $x1 = 0; $x2 = 1;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
rule 是天干两两相邻12: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has x $x1;
    $z2 isa 天干, has x $x2;
    $x1 = 1; $x2 = 2;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
rule 是天干两两相邻23: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has x $x1;
    $z2 isa 天干, has x $x2;
    $x1 = 2; $x2 = 3;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;

rule 是地支两两相邻01: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has x $x1;
    $z2 isa 地支, has x $x2;
    $x1 = 0; $x2 = 1;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
rule 是地支两两相邻12: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has x $x1;
    $z2 isa 地支, has x $x2;
    $x1 = 1; $x2 = 2;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
rule 是地支两两相邻23: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has x $x1;
    $z2 isa 地支, has x $x2;
    $x1 = 2; $x2 = 3;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;

### 三连相邻
rule 是天干三连相邻012: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has x $x1;
    $z2 isa 天干, has x $x2;
    $z3 isa 天干, has x $x3;
    $x1 = 0; $x2 = 1; $x3 = 2;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 三连相邻;
rule 是天干三连相邻123: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has x $x1;
    $z2 isa 天干, has x $x2;
    $z3 isa 天干, has x $x3;
    $x1 = 1; $x2 = 2; $x3 = 3;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 三连相邻;

rule 是地支三连相邻012: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has x $x1;
    $z2 isa 地支, has x $x2;
    $z3 isa 地支, has x $x3;
    $x1 = 0; $x2 = 1; $x3 = 2;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 三连相邻;
rule 是地支三连相邻123: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has x $x1;
    $z2 isa 地支, has x $x2;
    $z3 isa 地支, has x $x3;
    $x1 = 1; $x2 = 2; $x3 = 3;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 三连相邻;

##==============================================   刑冲合害规则  ====================================================================

### 天干五合
rule 是甲己五合土: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has 干 $a1;    
    $a1 like "(甲|己)";
    $z2 isa 天干, has 干 $a2;    
    $a2 like "(甲|己)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 甲己五合土;

rule 是乙庚五合金: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has 干 $a1; $a1 like "(乙|庚)";
    $z2 isa 天干, has 干 $a2; $a2 like "(乙|庚)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 乙庚五合金;

rule 是丙辛五合水: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has 干 $a1; $a1 like "(丙|辛)";
    $z2 isa 天干, has 干 $a2; $a2 like "(丙|辛)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 丙辛五合水;

rule 是丁壬五合木: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has 干 $a1; $a1 like "(丁|壬)";
    $z2 isa 天干, has 干 $a2; $a2 like "(丁|壬)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 丁壬五合木;

rule 是戊癸五合火: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has 干 $a1; $a1 like "(戊|癸)";
    $z2 isa 天干, has 干 $a2; $a2 like "(戊|癸)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 戊癸五合火;

### 天干四冲
rule 是甲庚四冲: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has 干 $a1; $a1 like "(甲|庚)";
    $z2 isa 天干, has 干 $a2; $a2 like "(甲|庚)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 甲庚四冲;

rule 是乙辛四冲: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has 干 $a1; $a1 like "(乙|辛)";
    $z2 isa 天干, has 干 $a2; $a2 like "(乙|辛)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 乙辛四冲;

rule 是壬丙四冲: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has 干 $a1; $a1 like "(壬|丙)";
    $z2 isa 天干, has 干 $a2; $a2 like "(壬|丙)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 壬丙四冲;

rule 是癸丁四冲: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has 干 $a1; $a1 like "(癸|丁)";
    $z2 isa 天干, has 干 $a2; $a2 like "(癸|丁)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 癸丁四冲;

### 地支半三合
rule 是申子半三合水: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(申|子)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(申|子)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 申子半三合水;

rule 是子辰半三合水: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(子|辰)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(子|辰)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 子辰半三合水;

rule 是亥卯半三合木: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(亥|卯)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(亥|卯)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 亥卯半三合木;

rule 是卯未半三合木: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(卯|未)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(卯|未)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 卯未半三合木;

rule 是寅午半三合火: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(寅|午)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(寅|午)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 寅午半三合火;

rule 是午戌半三合火: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(午|戌)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(午|戌)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 午戌半三合火;

rule 是巳酉半三合金: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(巳|酉)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(巳|酉)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 巳酉半三合金;

rule 是酉丑半三合金: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(酉|丑)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(酉|丑)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 酉丑半三合金;

### 地支六合
rule 是巳申六合水: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(巳|申)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(巳|申)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 巳申六合水;

rule 是寅亥六合木: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(寅|亥)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(寅|亥)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 寅亥六合木;

rule 是卯戌六合火: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(卯|戌)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(卯|戌)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 卯戌六合火;

rule 是午未六合土: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(午|未)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(午|未)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 午未六合土;

rule 是午未六合火: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(午|未)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(午|未)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 午未六合火;

rule 是子丑六合土: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(子|丑)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(子|丑)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 子丑六合土;

rule 是辰酉六合金: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(辰|酉)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(辰|酉)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 辰酉六合金;

### 地支拱合
rule 是申辰拱合水: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(申|辰)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(申|辰)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 申辰拱合水;

rule 是亥未拱合木: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(亥|未)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(亥|未)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 亥未拱合木;

rule 是寅戌拱合火: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(寅|戌)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(寅|戌)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 寅戌拱合火;

rule 是巳丑拱合金: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(巳|丑)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(巳|丑)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 巳丑拱合金;

### 地支自刑
rule 是午午自刑: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 "午";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 "午";
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 午午自刑;

rule 是酉酉自刑: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 "酉";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 "酉";
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 酉酉自刑;

rule 是辰辰自刑: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 "辰";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 "辰";
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 辰辰自刑;

rule 是亥亥自刑: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 "亥";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 "亥";
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 亥亥自刑;

### 地支六冲
rule 是寅申六冲: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(寅|申)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(寅|申)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 寅申六冲;

rule 是巳亥六冲: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(巳|亥)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(巳|亥)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 巳亥六冲;

rule 是辰戌六冲: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(辰|戌)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(辰|戌)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 辰戌六冲;

rule 是子午六冲: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(子|午)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(子|午)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 子午六冲;

rule 是丑未六冲: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(丑|未)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(丑|未)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 丑未六冲;

rule 是卯酉六冲: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(卯|酉)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(卯|酉)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 卯酉六冲;

### 地支六害
rule 是寅巳六害: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(寅|巳)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(寅|巳)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 寅巳六害;

rule 是申亥六害: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(申|亥)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(申|亥)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 申亥六害;

rule 是酉戌六害: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(酉|戌)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(酉|戌)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 酉戌六害;

rule 是子未六害: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(子|未)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(子|未)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 子未六害;

rule 是丑午六害: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(丑|午)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(丑|午)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 丑午六害;

rule 是卯辰六害: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(卯|辰)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(卯|辰)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 卯辰六害;

### 地支六破
rule 是子酉六破: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(子|酉)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(子|酉)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 子酉六破;

rule 是寅亥六破: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(寅|亥)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(寅|亥)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 寅亥六破;

rule 是卯午六破: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(卯|午)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(卯|午)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 卯午六破;

rule 是辰丑六破: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(辰|丑)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(辰|丑)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 辰丑六破;

rule 是巳申六破: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(巳|申)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(巳|申)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 巳申六破;

rule 是未戌六破: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(未|戌)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(未|戌)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 未戌六破;

### 地支三刑
rule 是子卯三刑: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(子|卯)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(子|卯)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 子卯三刑;

rule 是丑未戌三刑: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(丑|未|戌)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(丑|未|戌)";
    $z3 isa 地支, has 支 $a3; $a1 like "(丑|未|戌)";
    $a1 != $a2; $a2 != $a3; $a1 != $a3;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 三连相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 丑未戌三刑;

rule 是寅巳申三刑: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(寅|巳|申)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(寅|巳|申)";
    $z3 isa 地支, has 支 $a3; $a3 like "(寅|巳|申)";
    $a1 != $a2; $a2 != $a3; $a1 != $a3;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 三连相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 寅巳申三刑;

#### 地支三会
rule 是亥子丑三会水: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(亥|子|丑)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(亥|子|丑)";
    $z3 isa 地支, has 支 $a3; $a3 like "(亥|子|丑)";
    $a1 != $a2; $a2 != $a3; $a1 != $a3;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 三连相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 亥子丑三会水;

rule 是寅卯辰三会木: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(寅|卯|辰)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(寅|卯|辰)";
    $z3 isa 地支, has 支 $a3; $a3 like "(寅|卯|辰)";
    $a1 != $a2; $a2 != $a3; $a1 != $a3;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 三连相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 寅卯辰三会木;

rule 是巳午未三会火: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(巳|午|未)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(巳|午|未)";
    $z3 isa 地支, has 支 $a3; $a3 like "(巳|午|未)";
    $a1 != $a2; $a2 != $a3; $a1 != $a3;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 三连相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 巳午未三会火;

rule 是申酉戌三会金: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(申|酉|戌)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(申|酉|戌)";
    $z3 isa 地支, has 支 $a3; $a3 like "(申|酉|戌)";
    $a1 != $a2; $a2 != $a3; $a1 != $a3;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 三连相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 申酉戌三会金;

### 地支三合
rule 是寅午戌三合火: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(寅|午|戌)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(寅|午|戌)";
    $z3 isa 地支, has 支 $a3; $a3 like "(寅|午|戌)";
    $a1 != $a2; $a2 != $a3; $a1 != $a3;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 三连相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 寅午戌三合火;

rule 是申子辰三合水: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(申|子|辰)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(申|子|辰)";
    $z3 isa 地支, has 支 $a3; $a3 like "(申|子|辰)";
    $a1 != $a2; $a2 != $a3; $a1 != $a3;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 三连相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 申子辰三合水;

rule 是亥卯未三合木: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(亥|卯|未)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(亥|卯|未)";
    $z3 isa 地支, has 支 $a3; $a3 like "(亥|卯|未)";
    $a1 != $a2; $a2 != $a3; $a1 != $a3;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 三连相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 亥卯未三合木;

rule 是巳酉丑三合金: when {
    $z1 isa 地支, has 支 $a1; $a1 like "(巳|酉|丑)";
    $z2 isa 地支, has 支 $a2; $a2 like "(巳|酉|丑)";
    $z3 isa 地支, has 支 $a3; $a3 like "(巳|酉|丑)";
    $a1 != $a2; $a2 != $a3; $a1 != $a3;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 三连相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2, 相邻: $z3) isa 巳酉丑三合金;


insert $v1 isa ID; $v1 "sz"; $v2 isa 人名; $v2 "宋先生"; $v2 has ID "sz"; $v3 isa 性别; $v3 "男"; $v3 has ID "sz"; $e isa 命主, has ID $v1, has 人名 $v2, has 性别 $v3;

insert  $yy isa 阴阳; $yy "阴"; $yy has ID "sz"; 
        $wx isa 五行; $wx "金"; $wx has ID "sz"; 
        $g isa 干; $g "辛"; $g has ID "sz", has 阴阳 $yy, has 五行 $wx; 
        $x isa x; $x 0; $x has ID "sz"; 
        $y isa y; $y 0; $y has ID "sz"; 
        $z isa z; $z 0; $z has ID "sz"; 
        $ss isa 十神; $ss "财"; $ss has ID "sz"; 
        $e isa 年干, has ID "sz", has 干 $g, has x $x, has y $y, has z $z, has 十神 $ss;
insert $yy isa 阴阳; $yy "阳"; $yy has ID "sz"; $wx isa 五行; $wx "水"; $wx has ID "sz"; $g isa 干; $g "壬"; $g has ID "sz", has 阴阳 $yy, has 五行 $wx; $x isa x; $x 1; $x has ID "sz"; $y isa y; $y 0; $y has ID "sz"; $z isa z; $z 0; $z has ID "sz"; $ss isa 十神; $ss "杀"; $ss has ID "sz"; $e isa 月干, has ID "sz", has 干 $g, has x $x, has y $y, has z $z, has 十神 $ss;
insert $yy isa 阴阳; $yy "阳"; $yy has ID "sz"; $wx isa 五行; $wx "火"; $wx has ID "sz"; $g isa 干; $g "丙"; $g has ID "sz", has 阴阳 $yy, has 五行 $wx; $x isa x; $x 2; $x has ID "sz"; $y isa y; $y 0; $y has ID "sz"; $z isa z; $z 0; $z has ID "sz"; $ss isa 十神; $ss "比"; $ss has ID "sz"; $e isa 日主, has ID "sz", has 干 $g, has x $x, has y $y, has z $z, has 十神 $ss;
insert $yy isa 阴阳; $yy "阳"; $yy has ID "sz"; $wx isa 五行; $wx "火"; $wx has ID "sz"; $g isa 干; $g "丙"; $g has ID "sz", has 阴阳 $yy, has 五行 $wx; $x isa x; $x 3; $x has ID "sz"; $y isa y; $y 0; $y has ID "sz"; $z isa z; $z 0; $z has ID "sz"; $ss isa 十神; $ss "比"; $ss has ID "sz"; $e isa 时干, has ID "sz", has 干 $g, has x $x, has y $y, has z $z, has 十神 $ss;

insert $yy isa 阴阳; $yy "阴"; $yy has ID "sz"; $wx isa 五行; $wx "金"; $wx has ID "sz"; $zhi isa 支; $zhi "酉"; $zhi has ID "sz", has 阴阳 $yy, has 五行 $wx; 
$x isa x; $x 0; $x has ID "sz"; $y isa y; $y 1; $y has ID "sz"; $z isa z; $z 0; $z has ID "sz"; $sw isa 生旺; $sw "死"; $sw has ID "sz"; 
$yy isa 阴阳; $yy "阴"; $yy has ID "sz"; $wx isa 五行; $wx "金"; $wx has ID "sz"; $cg isa 藏干; $cg "辛"; $cg has ID "sz", has 阴阳 $yy, has 五行 $wx; 
$q isa 气; $q "本"; $q has ID "sz"; $cgss isa 藏干十神; $cgss "比"; $cgss has ID "sz", has 气 $q;
$e isa 年支, has ID "sz", has 支 $zhi, has x $x, has y $y, has z $z, has 生旺 $sw, has 藏干 $cg, has 藏干十神 $cgss;

insert $yy isa 阴阳; $yy "阳"; $yy has ID "sz"; $wx isa 五行; $wx "土"; $wx has ID "sz"; $zhi isa 支; $zhi "辰"; $zhi has ID "sz", has 阴阳 $yy, has 五行 $wx; 
$x isa x; $x 1; $x has ID "sz"; $y isa y; $y 1; $y has ID "sz"; $z isa z; $z 0; $z has ID "sz"; $sw isa 生旺; $sw "冠"; $sw has ID "sz"; 
$yy1 isa 阴阳; $yy1 "阳"; $yy1 has ID "sz"; $wx1 isa 五行; $wx1 "土"; $wx1 has ID "sz"; $cg1 isa 藏干; $cg1 "戊"; $cg1 has ID "sz", has 阴阳 $yy1, has 五行 $wx1; 
$q1 isa 气; $q1 "本"; $q1 has ID "sz"; $cgss1 isa 藏干十神; $cgss1 "食"; $cgss1 has ID "sz", has 气 $q1;
$yy2 isa 阴阳; $yy2 "阴"; $yy2 has ID "sz"; $wx2 isa 五行; $wx2 "木"; $wx2 has ID "sz"; $cg2 isa 藏干; $cg2 "乙"; $cg2 has ID "sz", has 阴阳 $yy2, has 五行 $wx2; 
$q2 isa 气; $q2 "中"; $q2 has ID "sz"; $cgss2 isa 藏干十神; $cgss2 "印"; $cgss2 has ID "sz", has 气 $q2;
$yy3 isa 阴阳; $yy3 "阴"; $yy3 has ID "sz"; $wx3 isa 五行; $wx3 "水"; $wx3 has ID "sz"; $cg3 isa 藏干; $cg3 "癸"; $cg3 has ID "sz", has 阴阳 $yy3, has 五行 $wx3; 
$q3 isa 气; $q3 "余"; $q3 has ID "sz"; $cgss3 isa 藏干十神; $cgss3 "官"; $cgss3 has ID "sz", has 气 $q3;
$e isa 月令, has ID "sz", has 支 $zhi, has x $x, has y $y, has z $z, has 生旺 $sw, has 藏干 $cg1, has 藏干十神 $cgss1, has 藏干 $cg2, has 藏干十神 $cgss2, has 藏干 $cg3, has 藏干十神 $cgss3;

insert $yy isa 阴阳; $yy "阳"; $yy has ID "sz"; $wx isa 五行; $wx "土"; $wx has ID "sz"; $zhi isa 支; $zhi "辰"; $zhi has ID "sz", has 阴阳 $yy, has 五行 $wx; 
$x isa x; $x 2; $x has ID "sz"; $y isa y; $y 1; $y has ID "sz"; $z isa z; $z 0; $z has ID "sz"; $sw isa 生旺; $sw "冠"; $sw has ID "sz"; 
$yy1 isa 阴阳; $yy1 "阳"; $yy1 has ID "sz"; $wx1 isa 五行; $wx1 "土"; $wx1 has ID "sz"; $cg1 isa 藏干; $cg1 "戊"; $cg1 has ID "sz", has 阴阳 $yy1, has 五行 $wx1; 
$q1 isa 气; $q1 "本"; $q1 has ID "sz"; $cgss1 isa 藏干十神; $cgss1 "食"; $cgss1 has ID "sz", has 气 $q1;
$yy2 isa 阴阳; $yy2 "阴"; $yy2 has ID "sz"; $wx2 isa 五行; $wx2 "木"; $wx2 has ID "sz"; $cg2 isa 藏干; $cg2 "乙"; $cg2 has ID "sz", has 阴阳 $yy2, has 五行 $wx2; 
$q2 isa 气; $q2 "中"; $q2 has ID "sz"; $cgss2 isa 藏干十神; $cgss2 "印"; $cgss2 has ID "sz", has 气 $q2;
$yy3 isa 阴阳; $yy3 "阴"; $yy3 has ID "sz"; $wx3 isa 五行; $wx3 "水"; $wx3 has ID "sz"; $cg3 isa 藏干; $cg3 "癸"; $cg3 has ID "sz", has 阴阳 $yy3, has 五行 $wx3; 
$q3 isa 气; $q3 "余"; $q3 has ID "sz"; $cgss3 isa 藏干十神; $cgss3 "官"; $cgss3 has ID "sz", has 气 $q3;
$e isa 日支, has ID "sz", has 支 $zhi, has x $x, has y $y, has z $z, has 生旺 $sw, has 藏干 $cg1, has 藏干十神 $cgss1, has 藏干 $cg2, has 藏干十神 $cgss2, has 藏干 $cg3, has 藏干十神 $cgss3;

insert $yy isa 阴阳; $yy "阳"; $yy has ID "sz"; $wx isa 五行; $wx "金"; $wx has ID "sz"; $zhi isa 支; $zhi "申"; $zhi has ID "sz", has 阴阳 $yy, has 五行 $wx; 
$x isa x; $x 3; $x has ID "sz"; $y isa y; $y 1; $y has ID "sz"; $z isa z; $z 0; $z has ID "sz"; $sw isa 生旺; $sw "病"; $sw has ID "sz"; 
$yy1 isa 阴阳; $yy1 "阳"; $yy1 has ID "sz"; $wx1 isa 五行; $wx1 "金"; $wx1 has ID "sz"; $cg1 isa 藏干; $cg1 "庚"; $cg1 has ID "sz", has 阴阳 $yy1, has 五行 $wx1; 
$q1 isa 气; $q1 "本"; $q1 has ID "sz"; $cgss1 isa 藏干十神; $cgss1 "才"; $cgss1 has ID "sz", has 气 $q1;
$yy2 isa 阴阳; $yy2 "阳"; $yy2 has ID "sz"; $wx2 isa 五行; $wx2 "水"; $wx2 has ID "sz"; $cg2 isa 藏干; $cg2 "壬"; $cg2 has ID "sz", has 阴阳 $yy2, has 五行 $wx2; 
$q2 isa 气; $q2 "中"; $q2 has ID "sz"; $cgss2 isa 藏干十神; $cgss2 "杀"; $cgss2 has ID "sz", has 气 $q2;
$yy3 isa 阴阳; $yy3 "阳"; $yy3 has ID "sz"; $wx3 isa 五行; $wx3 "土"; $wx3 has ID "sz"; $cg3 isa 藏干; $cg3 "戊"; $cg3 has ID "sz", has 阴阳 $yy3, has 五行 $wx3; 
$q3 isa 气; $q3 "余"; $q3 has ID "sz"; $cgss3 isa 藏干十神; $cgss3 "食"; $cgss3 has ID "sz", has 气 $q3;
$e isa 时支, has ID "sz", has 支 $zhi, has x $x, has y $y, has z $z, has 生旺 $sw, has 藏干 $cg1, has 藏干十神 $cgss1, has 藏干 $cg2, has 藏干十神 $cgss2, has 藏干 $cg3, has 藏干十神 $cgss3;

query example:

match $r($x, $y) isa 辰辰自刑; $x has 支 $xn; $y has 支 $yn; get $r, $xn, $yn;

If this could work, it will be an exllent example usage of complated concept inference.

Thanks a lot!!

Hi Zack,
You seem to have a large number of rules which are mutually dependent. especially. E.g. a relation (相邻:$z1, 相邻:$z2) isa 两两相邻; that appears in your rule can trigger 44 other rules.
Sadly, the reasoner planner is not prepared for this kind of situation and it is taking a very long time to just construct the dependencies. I hope to optimise this in a version after 3.0

Is it possible to write the rules in a way that they do not depend on 44 other rules? I’m unfamiliar with the language so can’t read the schema to give suggestions.

I think I have an idea of what’s going on.
(1) You have many rules with the line: (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
(2) These rules conclude a type which is a subtype of 两两相邻;

For example,
(1) under the heading 刑冲合害规则 is the rule

### 天干五合
rule 是甲己五合土: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has 干 $a1;    
    $a1 like "(甲|己)";
    $z2 isa 天干, has 干 $a2;    
    $a2 like "(甲|己)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻; # (1) This line matches many rules
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 甲己五合土; # This type is a subtype of 两两相邻;

(2) I see you have many rules under the heading ### 两两相邻 which conclude 两两相邻. For example:

rule 是天干两两相邻01: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has x $x1;
    $z2 isa 天干, has x $x2;
    $x1 = 0; $x2 = 1;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;

This means, all these rules are dependent on each other.
Is there a way to avoid this and make the rules less dependent on each other?

I have seen a similar schema once before.
Please tell me if my assumption is correct.

I assume you only want the line marked (A) to match only the 6 rules with then { (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻; };

If so, please considering refactor to use isa! on the line (A)

### 天干五合
rule 是甲己五合土: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has 干 $a1;    
    $a1 like "(甲|己)";
    $z2 isa 天干, has 干 $a2;    
    $a2 like "(甲|己)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa! 两两相邻; # (A) Only this line changes. `isa!` matches only the 6 rules.
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 甲己五合土; 

This works well, and finds a single result:

True. During my test, >10 rules triggered by ‘两两相邻’ will cause long running time. Actually, ‘两两相邻’ means ‘next to each other’, its about a position relation. That’s why I used x=(0, 1, 2, 3) to mark the possible position. 0-1, 1-2, 2-3 are three types of ‘两两相邻’.

Since ‘两两相邻’ is a basic and foundermental relation, most of other rules are baed on this relation, I’m not sure how to re-construct the schema to avoid multi-level nested rules.

Based on your explanation, I guess, to keep the speed performance, one-level rule is the best practice before v3. Am I right?

One way I can think of is to split the ‘两两相邻’ to 3 position marker combinations, meaning to use more one-level rules to replace the two-level rules.

rule 是甲己五合土: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has 干 $a1;    
    $a1 like "(甲|己)";
    $z2 isa 天干, has 干 $a2;    
    $a2 like "(甲|己)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 甲己五合土;

change to =>

rule 是甲己五合土01: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has 干 $a1, has x $x1, has ID $n1;
    $a1 like "(甲|己)";
    $z2 isa 天干, has 干 $a2, has x $x1, has ID $n1;
    $a2 like "(甲|己)";
    $n1 = $n2;
    $a1 != $a2;
    $x1 = 0;
    $x2 = 1;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 甲己五合土;

rule 是甲己五合土12: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has 干 $a1, has x $x1, has ID $n1;
    $a1 like "(甲|己)";
    $z2 isa 天干, has 干 $a2, has x $x1, has ID $n1;
    $a2 like "(甲|己)";
    $n1 = $n2;
    $a1 != $a2;
    $x1 = 1;
    $x2 = 2;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 甲己五合土;

rule 是甲己五合土23: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has 干 $a1, has x $x1, has ID $n1;
    $a1 like "(甲|己)";
    $z2 isa 天干, has 干 $a2, has x $x1, has ID $n1;
    $a2 like "(甲|己)";
    $n1 = $n2;
    $a1 != $a2;
    $x1 = 2;
    $x2 = 3;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 甲己五合土;

Is this a good way? What do you think about it?

Thanks a lot,

rule 是甲己五合土: when {
    $z1 isa 天干, has 干 $a1;    
    $a1 like "(甲|己)";
    $z2 isa 天干, has 干 $a2;    
    $a2 like "(甲|己)";
    $a1 != $a2;
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻;
} then {
    (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 甲己五合土;

This rule means:
for any two ‘天干’ entities next to each other, as long as one of them is 甲 or 己 and the other one is 己 or 甲, there is a relation called ‘是甲己五合土’ between them.

So I’m not sure ‘isa!’ is what I should use.

In my case, tons of relations need to be build for ‘next to each other’ entities. The reason I want to use rules to generate those relations is that I think they are sort of caculation results which will be generated dynamically, and shouldn’t be saved to graph database.

The modification you suggested should indeed work. But I think my suggestion is equivalent.

If you call level-1 rules the 6 rules concluding 两两相邻;
And level-2 rules to be the rules below line 300

##==============================================   刑冲合害规则  ====================================================================

It is ok if all the rules level-2 depends on all the rules in level-1.
The problem here is happening because all the rules in level-2 also depend on all the other rules in level-2 !!!

This is because the line (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 两两相邻; also unifies with the conclusion (相邻: $z1, 相邻: $z2) isa 甲己五合土; since 甲己五合土 isa subtype of 两两相邻

You’re definitely right. It took some time, but I think I got your idea, the ‘isa!’ is the best choice here. ‘isa!’ excludes the subtypes, which is a very good tool to decrease the number of unnecessary calculations.

To sum up:

  1. to construct the multi-level rules is not the problem
  2. in my case, the real problem is that there’re too much level-2 rule defined relations depending on each other, which cause N*N dependency constructing problem (takes too long)
  3. as long as to exclude those subtype relation by using ‘isa!’, everything goes smoothly

Correct me if I’m wrong.
Hope we can teach LLM to generate the schema for us, that would be very interesting and useful.

You’re correct. I think you understand it perfectly.

If you think the isa! solution is too restrictive, you can change your schema so that the type in the then clauses of level-2 rules are not (e.g. 甲己五合土) are not subtypes of the type you match in the when of those rules (here 两两相邻).

level-1-两两相邻 sub 两两相邻; and then you can use this type in the then of level-1 rules and the when of level-2 rules instead of the isa!.
This may be slightly more flexible than the isa!