I’m trying to create a schema for user and groups, both with roles, so my schema is this (roles can be an array on both entities, but from what I know, it will be a 3.0 feature):
id sub attribute, value string;
is_active sub attribute, value boolean;
created_at sub attribute, value datetime;
updated_at sub attribute, value datetime;
first_name sub attribute, value string;
last_name sub attribute, value string;
main_email sub attribute, value string;
document_number sub attribute, value string;
phone_number sub attribute, value string;
profile_photo sub attribute, value string;
birth_date sub attribute, value datetime;
user_gender sub attribute, value string;
group_name sub attribute, value string;
group_description sub attribute, value string;
role_authority sub attribute, value string;
user_roles sub relation,
relates ur_user,
relates ur_role;
group_roles sub relation,
relates gr_group,
relates gr_role;
user_groups sub relation,
relates ug_user,
relates ug_group;
user sub entity,
owns id @key,
owns first_name,
owns last_name,
owns main_email,
owns document_number,
owns phone_number,
owns profile_photo,
owns birth_date,
owns user_gender,
owns is_active,
owns created_at,
owns updated_at,
plays user_roles:ur_user,
plays user_groups:ug_user;
group sub entity,
owns id @key,
owns group_name,
owns group_description,
owns is_active,
owns created_at,
owns updated_at,
plays group_roles:gr_group,
plays user_groups:ug_group;
role sub entity,
owns role_authority @key,
plays user_roles:ur_role,
plays group_roles:gr_role;
I inserted some data to test, one user with roles and the other without
$role_master isa role, has role_authority "MASTER";
$role_user_read isa role, has role_authority "ROLE_USER_READ";
$role_user_create isa role, has role_authority "ROLE_USER_CREATE";
$role_user_update isa role, has role_authority "ROLE_USER_UPDATE";
$role_group_read isa role, has role_authority "ROLE_GROUP_READ";
$role_group_create isa role, has role_authority "ROLE_GROUP_CREATE";
$role_group_update isa role, has role_authority "ROLE_GROUP_UPDATE";
$role_group_delete isa role, has role_authority "ROLE_GROUP_DELETE";
$user_tony isa user,
has id "90113601-0e7b-4d07-8e71-2f8f44e6fc9f",
has first_name "Tony",
has last_name "Stark",
has main_email "iron.man@email.com",
has document_number "98765432154",
has phone_number "16988774455",
has birth_date 1990-04-28,
has user_gender "CIS_MALE",
has is_active true,
has created_at 2024-01-01T19:28:44.981,
has updated_at 2024-01-01T19:28:44.981;
$user_steve isa user,
has id "46399aba-e4b8-4edc-b51f-f2700c7c944a",
has first_name "Steve",
has last_name "Rogers",
has main_email "captain.america@email.com",
has document_number "32165498700",
has phone_number "1633221100",
has birth_date 1990-05-10,
has user_gender "CIS_MALE",
has is_active false,
has created_at 2024-01-01T19:28:44.981,
has updated_at 2024-01-01T19:28:44.981;
$user_tony isa user, has id "90113601-0e7b-4d07-8e71-2f8f44e6fc9f";
$role_user_read isa role, has role_authority "ROLE_USER_READ";
$role_user_create isa role, has role_authority "ROLE_USER_CREATE";
$role_user_update isa role, has role_authority "ROLE_USER_UPDATE";
$user_role_user_read (ur_user:$user_tony, ur_role: $role_user_read) isa user_roles;
$user_role_user_create (ur_user:$user_tony, ur_role: $role_user_create) isa user_roles;
$user_role_user_update (ur_user:$user_tony, ur_role: $role_user_update) isa user_roles;
When I execute the query bellow, for Tony it returns the 3 roles, for Steve, it does not return anything.
So, what I want is to get the user with all the roles and groups (with their respective roles).
Is there a way to put the roles in some sort of array attribute?
How can I always retrieve the user (given it exists) even if it does not has any role/group?
$user_roles (ur_user: $user, ur_role: $role) isa user_roles;
$user isa user, has id "<user-id>";
$role isa role;
get $user, $role;
group $user;